The Challenge

Keep your kit on for three days to raise awareness and funds for people doing it tough. By choosing not to change your clothes for three days, and talking about it with the people in your life, you will be helping to change the conversation around homelessness - and the lives of those in need.

Watch The Video to Learn More

So, who is Sudsy?

The challenge takes its name from ‘Sudsy’, the first ever laundry van built by Orange Sky co-founders, Nic and Lucas. It took them three days and three sets of washing machines and dryers to get Sudsy operating. They hit the streets of Brisbane, and met Jordan, who was the first person to use the free mobile laundry service. Through this experience, Jordan taught Nic and Lucas that while clean clothes were important, it’s the conversation and connection that mattered more.

Watch The Video

How It Works

Sign Up

Take on the challenge of not changing your clothes for three days

Start Conversations

Raise funds by talking with the people in your life about why you're doing The Sudsy Challenge

Keep Your Kit On

Wear the same outfit for three days in support of people experiencing homelessness

Ready to keep your kit on?

Meet Jeff

Like many of our friends, Jeff is grateful for the practical support Orange Sky provides, however also really enjoys the community feel Orange Sky volunteers cultivate.

"I enjoy meeting with the people [orange sky volunteers], as I said they are very nice people, and I enjoy talking to them. It's an addition to the actual washing being done."

"They [Orange Sky volunteers] are wonderful people, I have only good things to say about them and that they would give up their time to help others and I'm very appreciative."

Learn more about Orange Sky and your impact through fundraising

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